Body Care in November in Ayurveda

I was thinking about the magic of this month which ushers in more of the darkness due to daylight savings. How do we fit all of the things in when it feels like there’s less time?

Here’s what I came up with:

Saying no to what is not in alignment. No vember

This month’s energy brings us deeply into honoring the darkness. The cozy. The warmth. The nurturing. It’s an invitation to be a rebel and slow down a bit.

The darkness takes over the sky and it’s a time for us to concentrate on our inner landscape even more than usual. The darkness invites us to go inside of ourselves and rejuvenate. Or “hibernate” as our primal animal friends do in the wild.

It’s almost like we have to pull back to be able to spring forward with our desires.

I like to add more warm baths as a ritual of self care. Use the nice smelling epsom salts and be sure to oil your skin after. My favorite tridoshic oil is Jojoba Oil.

Our body is begging for moisture to combat the dryness. Oiling the body is extremely important as is making sure you’re eating foods that are lubricating, warm and spiced. This balance in the body helps conserve energy and keep our immune system strong and steady when viruses come your way.

November makes me think of heavy, comforting foods. Basically the foods we find on our Thanksgiving table. Our bodies naturally crave these heavy foods so we can gain a few pounds to keep us insulated in the Winter. (come Spring time, it will time to shed again)

We want to keep ingesting Ghee a few times a day to help with digestion. More Ghee than less if you’re Vata dosha.

Feel the Winter Blues coming on? Many women struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder due to the lack of daylight. It’s important to get as much sunlight on our skin as possible during the darker months. One great way to do this is first thing in the morning before you do anything (even before looking at your phone) is to go outside and stand in the Sun.

This helps regulate your circadian rhythm, boosting alertness by signaling to your body that it's daytime, leading to increased energy levels, improved mood, and better sleep quality by influencing the production of hormones like cortisol and melatonin.

And can make a huge difference in how you feel.

Lastly, this season makes me think of warmth.

What makes you feel warm?

Is it being with friends? Crafting? Cooking? Journaling?

Find your version of warmth and nourish yourself with that. Our ancestors spent so much time in community and I find that this is a large missing piece in our society. Just being together. This is exactly why we gather in Women’s Circle once a month.

If you’re interested in more Vata balancing information, here are some free resources in my Wellness Journal.


How to Start Intuitive Eating


Why Honor the Winter Solstice