How to Start Intuitive Eating
“What I eat in a Day” used to be a popular headline in Women’s Health Magazine. I used to devour that information, following to a T what Jamie Eason, a pop trainer and physique model, used to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
We’re always looking for the magic formula. The rule book. The roadmap to get us to the happy, fulfilled, vibrant, purpose-driven woman that we know we’re meant to be.
That’s what I was always looking for. And I thought I would find it by following her diet.
Intuition, our own inner knowing, is one of our super powers that when tapped into is basically like our roadmap to our most fulfilled life.
Our intuition guides us not just in what to eat but also in relationships, career, where to live, even where to go to go on vacation if you’re not exactly sure what would be the best option.
Intuitive knowing has been guiding women for thousands of years on their journies’. So why have we lost touch with it?
Before the rise of patriarchy between 8000-3000 BC, women held equal power in the world. Intuitive gifts were normal to express. And it was the women who were incredibly wealthy and sought after for wisdom by all people because of our deep connection to our intuition.
When patriarchal power began, women were taught that their inner knowing was wrong, actually harmful to others and that you needed to look outside of yourself for the answers, as a way to start controlling the masses for more power and economical advantage.
I could go down a rabbit hole with this but slowly intuition became less of a guiding force. And we started to trust our inner pings less.
Here we are today. Now don’t get me wrong, getting inspiration and ideas from others on how to eat is really helpful. I do it all of the time. But the ultimate factor to guide us in fueling our body best is intuitive eating.
If you’re interested in calling back this inner power, here are my Favorite Intuitive Eating Tools:
Brush your teeth and tongue first thing in the morning, and then drink water with lemon or lime. This helps to start your palate off on a fresh slate before you ingest anything that can dampen your digestive system and inner knowing.
Do some sort of mindfulness practice in the morning. This can look Breathwork, sitting in meditation, doing a visualization or sipping your water slowly ( some of these practices in the The Pura Vida Collective ). Then in stillness, check in with how you’re feeling. Are you experiencing cravings? Are you exhausted? Did you sleep well? What is on the agenda for the day? Allow these answers to help you decide what to eat that day.
Future Self 5 Senses Exercise. I have actually recorded this ritual for you to do here. This will take about 5 minutes to do.
As with anything, this is a practice and takes time to cultivate. Our intuition is like a muscle that needs to be worked, nurtured and remembered to be heard and trusted.
And I promise you, it will be one of the greatest needle movers on your journey to vibrancy in your body.