Reset the Nervous System with Dry Brushing and Oiling

In our current day and age, our nervous systems are under constant stress that it is not used to dealing with.

Thousands of years ago, the type of stress our bodies were used to processing was acute. Something intense that would happen like fighting off a wild animal or the pain of child birth.

With so much chronic stress happening in our lives, we have to take care of our nervous system and be sure that its nurtured and kept healthy and functioning optimally.

Dry Brushing and oiling the body are ancient Ayurvedic healing rituals that have helped me and many other women immensely in rejuvenating the nervous system.

The practice of dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system which help detoxifies the body of toxins and unwanted materials. It also increases blood flow to the muscles and exfoliates the skin. This creates more energy in the body.

Then immediately after you can doing an oiling ritual with warming oils (at least in the Winter. In the Summer and Spring, I would use lighter more cooling oils like coconut oil).

What you need:
- A body brush, wash cloth, loofah or body glove
- Warming oils like jojoba, sesame, almond or olive
- Towel

How to:
Rub the brush in circular motions always moving towards the heart.
I like to set a timer for 10 minutes or so.
9x out of 10 I play soothing sensual music.

After you’ve brushed your entire body (minus the face, that’s a bit more sensitive but usually I do a light brushing), you can oil.

Oiling is like a self-massage so rub yourself down in whatever way feels relaxing to you. This will help calm and reset the nervous system so that it slows down to a pace that feels optimal.


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