New Years Rituals

New Years can feel like an overwhelming time, especially if you have big ambitions for yourself like so many of us do. Where do you start with your goals? Should you hit the ground running right now with all the things?

I always use nature’s cycles as my guide for anything that I’m calling into my life. As women we are part of the cyclical nature and when we follow its rhythms and wisdom you’ll find that going with her energy gives us the extra support we need to achieve pretty much anything.

(I also like to add that when it comes to setting goals, I actually like to use the word “intentions” instead as goals can sometimes have a negative association for those of us that attached their self-worth to how many goals they reached lol)

We’re midway through Capricorn season which is all about structure, organization, Earth energy and planning. It’s no surprise New Years falls during this time astrologically.

We’re also still very much in the heart of Winter which is all about rest. Even though we’re taught that this is the best time to get started on those big intentions, you actually still have some time before nature tells us to make some moves.

Right now we’re meant to just set the intentions. Create a plan. And take any action that feels deeply in alignment with your energy, not forcing yourself and then burning out.

This subtle shift in your intentions will take you further than you’ve ever gone before. Especially if you’ve set big intentions before and burned out in the end.

So here’s a simple New Years ritual for you to get you started.

Thank the versions of self that have gotten you through 2024.

Light your candle.

And with the flame, ignite the 2025 version of you that you’re ready to call in. From a place of loving compassion and reverence.

From there, notice the guidance that bubbles up within you and around you.


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